Ford AXZ Plans


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Table of Contents



  1. Overview

  2. Program Descriptions and Eligibility

  3. Proof of Eligibility

  4. Products

  5. Program Policies

  6. Pricing and Incentives

  7. Process and Documentation

  8. FAQs

  9. Contact Information


Key Document Links

AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement*

Ineligible Products





Ford Motor Company appreciates the loyalty of its employees, retirees and their spouses, and eligible family members. The New Vehicle Purchase Programs (AZ-Plan) are offered to eligible individuals to drive eligible new Ford Motor Company products, especially those owning competitive products.





An eligible Ford employee (A-Plan) or retiree/surviving spouse (Z-Plan) as noted below may generate up to four (4) PINs per calendar year to be used towards the purchase or lease of a new vehicle (see PIN Generation for details):

  • All active full-time hourly employees and regular salaried employees, beginning with their date of hire.
  • All hourly retirees receiving a normal, early (regular or special) or disability retirement benefit, as long as any medical benefits are being received.
  • Salaried retirees who retired under the General Retirement Plan, including salaried employees who terminate between the ages of 50-55 and who are eligible to receive certain deferred retirement benefits, are eligible while they are receiving benefits.
  • Surviving spouses of employees who died while actively employed and surviving spouses of retirees who retired under the General Retirement Plan, or who are receiving benefits under the Ford-UAW Retirement Plan.
  • Employees on an approved leave of absence, for the duration of the leave or until expiration of any medical benefits.
  • Employees on layoff, for the first 12 months of the layoff.
  • Employees taking a separation package, complete details on your AXZ-Plan privileges are included in your packet.
  • All regular part-time hourly and salaried employees who are eligible to receive medical benefits.
  • Deferred Vested Retirees while they are receiving a Ford pension check.
  • Members of the immediate family of the above. "Immediate family" means the following relatives of the employee or retiree:
    • Spouse
    • Parents (including step-parents)
    • Spouse's parents
    • Grandparents
    • Spouse's grandparents   
    • Sons and daughters (including in-laws and step-children)
    • Grandchildren
    • Brothers and sisters (including in-laws, half and step)
    • Same-sex domestic partners of active eligible employees*
    • Immediate family members of eligible same-sex domestic partners*
  • Employees of approved subsidiary companies/organizations and approved affiliated companies/organizations as eligibility is defined at the time of approval.
  • When both the employee/retiree and his/her spouse are deceased, the surviving family members are no longer eligible.

* When audited, the employee must provide a notarized affidavit, dated prior to the sale date, that a same-sex domestic partnership exists. The Company defines a same-sex relationship between two people who meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • Are the same sex.
  • Have shared a continuous committed relationship with each other for no less than 6 (six) months, intend to do so indefinitely, and they have no such relationship with any other person.
  • Are jointly responsible for each other’s welfare and financial obligations.
  • Reside in the same household.
  • Are not related by blood to a degree of kinship that would prevent marriage from being recognized under the laws of their state of residence.
  • Must reside in a state where marriage between persons of the same sex is not recognized as a valid marriage, or, if residing in a state which recognizes same-sex unions, enter into such union as recognized by the state.
  • Each is over the age of 18, of legal age, and legally competent to enter a contract.
  • Neither is married to a third party.




  • Purchasers are not required to provide proof of eligibility at time of sale beyond providing their PIN and last 4 digits of Social Security Number. However, the company reserves the right to perform audits of AZ-Plan sales and may require employees or retirees to provide proof of relationship documentation.




Eligible Products

  • Current Ford and Lincoln model year and prior model year vehicles sold in the United States .  See your local dealer for vehicle eligibility.
  • Vehicles may be ordered from production or, if the dealer agrees, may be selected from the inventory of the dealership. Dealers are not required to participate, but if they do, they must be an authorized Ford Motor Company dealer for the product sold and agree to abide by the New Vehicle Purchase Program guidelines set forth in this document.
  • Prior model year vehicles may be purchased or leased while supplies last for products under AZ-Plans. See your selling dealer for details.
  • Dealer demonstrator units (no mileage restriction). No additional discount is permitted beyond incentives compatible with an AZ-Plan deal.
  • UAW represented hourly employees, retirees, surviving spouses and their immediately family members are eligible for Ford, Lincoln and Mercury purchases or leases.


Ineligible Products

  • All Mercury vehicles.
  • Certain commercial use or specialty products and certain "low-supply" vehicles as defined by Ford. Click here for Ineligible Products for specific models or model year vehicles.
  • Used vehicles.
  • Driver training vehicles.





Customer/Sponsor Obligations and Rules


  • It is a direct violation of the program rules to provide PINs to customers referred to the sponsor by a dealership employee or to use a dealership employee as a broker to locate AZ-Plan customers.  In other words, you may not use a dealership or dealership employee to find customers, and you may not sell PINs to a dealership or dealership employee.  In fact, selling PINs to anyone is a violation of Plan rules and is strictly prohibited.  Violations of these rules will result in suspension of AZ-Plan eligibility and may result in termination of employment with the Company.
  • Vehicles purchased or leased by customers sponsored by an employee, retiree, or surviving spouse count against the number of vehicle sales which an employee, retiree or surviving spouse may sponsor during any calendar year.
  • Any solicitation or acceptance of money, items of value or discounts off the New Vehicle Purchase Program price not defined in this document from a dealership or anyone connected with or acting on behalf of the dealership in connection with the purchase or lease of a vehicle under the New Vehicle Purchase Program, is contrary to the Plan's provisions and to Company policy and is prohibited.
  • If after ordering a vehicle under the terms of the New Vehicle Purchase Program, the customer cannot take delivery from the designated dealership, the customer must promptly advise the proper dealership representative, and the customer must refrain from signing any dealership document indicating acceptance or delivery of the vehicle.
  • AZ-Plan customers are required to arbitrate warranty-related disputes via the Dispute Resolution Program (DRP) before initiating or proceeding with legal action.  Failure to seek resolution of warranty-related disputes via the DRP before initiating legal action may result in the suspension of Purchase Plan privileges for sponsor.
    • The Dispute Resolution Program (DRP) process is a cost-free program available to
      owners or lessees of qualifying Ford Motor Company vehicles. The program is
      independently owned administered by the Better Business Bureau (BBB).  Service or
      product performance complaints involving Ford, Mercury, and Lincoln cars, vans, sport
      utilities and light trucks, which are within the terms of the New Vehicle Limited Warranty,
      are eligible for DRP
      review. The Warranty Guide provided with all new Ford and Lincoln
      vehicles at delivery contains important information about customer assistance
      and the Dispute Resolution Program.  For more information about the program, call the
      BBB Auto Line at 1-800-428-3718, or the Ford Customer Relationship Center at 1-800-
    • Failure to seek resolution of warranty-related disputes via the DRP process before
      initiating legal action may result in the suspension of Purchase Plan privileges (as noted
      under "What if a Customer Ignores the Conditions?").


Dealership Obligations and Rules


  • Participating dealerships agree to comply with all of the terms outlined in this document, including the Red Carpet Lease Option provisions . Authorized Ford and Lincoln dealerships are encouraged, but not obligated, to participate in the New Vehicle Purchase Program. Participating dealerships must sign a Dealer Agreement located on the AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement on each New Vehicle Purchase Program sale or Red Carpet Lease.
  • Dealerships must be authorized dealers ("under their Sales and Service Agreement(s)") for the product being sold.
  • The AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement must identify the AZ-Plan price, the price of each dealer-added option, negative equity on vehicle trade, gifts, and any other allowable fees and taxes. A copy of the factory invoice showing the New Vehicle Purchase Program price in the box labeled ”AZ-Plan" and a completed, signed copy of the AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement must be given to the customer.
  • All commission claims are subject to future audit and possible charge back to the dealership. Participating Dealerships agree to make available such dealership records to the extent considered necessary by Ford Motor Company for audit of the transactions claimed under the New Vehicle Purchase Program. Dealers must retain all records and documents, including the AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement, journals and ledgers, which relate in any way, in all or in part, to covered transactions- for at least two years.
  • All sales or lease contracts with Purchase Plan customers will be conducted by an employee of the participating dealership. Commissions to dealerships will be withheld or charged back if non-employees, including brokers, or agents are used to participate in Plan transactions in any capacity.


What if a Customer Ignores the Conditions?


  • The Company cannot ignore abuse of the New Vehicle Purchase Program. Plan abuse may cost the Company inappropriate dealer commission payments. Those unnecessary payments impact all Company employees because the payments detract from Company profits, which provide a basis for future product programs, capital expenditures and, of course, profit sharing .
  • The purchase, lease and disposal of vehicles under the New Vehicle Purchase Program are monitored regularly for abuse through a computerized system. Customers who do not comply with the requirements noted above will be contacted and asked to explain the circumstances involved .
  • The privilege to participate may be withdrawn or suspended if the Company determines that the employee, retiree or surviving spouse has violated the provisions of the New Vehicle Purchase Program or Company policy. The employee, retiree or surviving spouse may be required to reimburse the Company for the full amount of the dealer commission paid. In addition, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.


NOTE: Even if the customer who violates these provisions is not a Company employee, the sponsoring employee, retiree or surviving spouse is responsible and subject to the above sanctions.


Dealer-to-Customer Gifts and Fees


The following are guidelines regarding what is, and is not, permissible.


Nominal Gifts


  • Unless prohibited by your state law, Family AZ-Plan customers may accept items or services of nominal value (i.e. $50 or less dealership cost) as a gift or reward in connection with an AZ- Plan sale or lease.  All gifts or rewards offered by the dealership for sponsoring an AZ-Plan sale or lease must be comparable with gifts or rewards offered by the dealership on retail sales or leases, and may not exceed $50 in value (dealership cost).
  • Examples of acceptable gifts include a wall calendar, Motorcraft apparel, gas card, an oil change, a car wash, etc, provided the item or service does not exceed $50 in value (dealership cost).
  • Dealerships may not offer services or items below their market value (dealership cost) to stay within the $50 limit (i.e. $1 for rust proofing or $10 for a bed liner). 
  • No service, accessory or items valued above $50 may be accepted by AZ-Plan customers, even if the same offer is extended to non-Plan customers.


Referral Fees



  • Family AZ -Plan sponsors may accept referral fees of $50 or less in connection with AZ-Plan sales provided the sale occurs after September 11, 2006. All referral fees offered by a dealership must be comparable with referral fees offered by the dealership on retail sales or leases.


Document Fees


  • Dealers will be permitted to assess up to $75 in documentary fees on each delivery to an eligible purchaser under the terms of the Plan, unless otherwise provided by state or local laws or regulation.  Each dealer is responsible for complying with applicable laws or regulations.
  • Unless otherwise provided by state or local laws or regulation: In states where dealers are not permitted to charge as much as $75 for doc fees, dealers would be capped at the lesser amount as provided by the state. In states that permitted more than $75, dealers would be permitted to charge the Plan customer $75. In states that permitted more than $75 and also required that all customers be charged the same amount, dealers may charge the Plan customer $75 and indicate any additional fees have been paid by Ford Motor Company as part of the AXZD-Plan Program dealer reimbursement on the buyer's order. 
  • Doc Fee Charges should be detailed on the AXZD Plan Pricing Agreement located in number 4.  
  • New Vehicle Purchase Program customers may use the services of FordDirect and participating Dealers may choose to pay FordDirect's fees without violating this section; provided, however, that any such fees paid to FordDirect by participating dealers shall not be passed on to New Vehicle Purchase Program customers.  


Financing, Insurance, Titles and Taxes

  • Purchase/lease financing may be obtained at the customer's discretion from any source. To learn more about financial services offered through Ford Motor Credit Company, go to
  • Each vehicle purchased or leased will be covered by the same warranty and policy as those offered to retail customers.
  • The customer is responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes, license and title fees.
  • Non-Eligible family members may appear as co-signers or co-makers of the loan or other financing agreement, and may also appear as co-owners on the Vehicle Title or Registration. However, the primary user of the vehicle must be the AZ-Plan eligible member.
  • New Vehicle Purchase Program customers are required to provide their own liability and collision insurance for both purchases and leases. For leases, there are specified coverage minimums. Lessees should request information about these amounts from the dealer prior to obtaining insurance and signing the final lease papers.
  • Titling eligibility is as follows:
  • Vehicles must be retained in the customer's possession and registered as provided
    above for at least six months from the date of purchase or lease.
  • Individuals:
    • Vehicles must be registered or titled to the AZ-Plan eligible individual.
    • Non-eligible members may appear as co-signers or co-makers of the loan or other
      financing agreement, and may also appear on the Vehicle Title or Registration.
      However, the primary user of the vehicle must be the AZ-Plan eligible member.
    • Vehicles leased under the Red Carpet Lease Option will be titled in the name of
      Ford Credit or as directed by Ford Credit, but must conform to the above
      registration requirements.
    • Vehicles also may be registered in the name of a customer's trust provided that the
      customer's name is included in the name of the trust, i.e. "John Smith Trust.”
  • Commercial:
    • AZ-Plan vehicles may not be registered or titled in the name of a business.   AZ-Plan
      vehicles may not be purchased or leased for commercial use.



  • The dealer is required to provide you with a true copy of the factory invoice showing the New Vehicle Purchase Program price on the line labeled AZ-Plan. You should also receive a complete and signed AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement showing each item and its price.  Do not sign this form if it is blank or if you do not understand how the price was calculated.  All added items must be documented on this form, including negative equity on vehicle trade and gifts. 
  • The AZ-Plan price is the amount shown in the box labeled "AZ-Plan" near the bottom of the factory invoice. The New Vehicle Purchase Program price includes advertising, finance costs, transportation, fuel charges and Company administrative fees. The dealership may not charge extra for these items.
  • The New Vehicle Purchase Program customer is entitled to the price in effect at the time the vehicle was invoiced. Any money refunded to the dealer by Ford Motor Company for price increases occurring after the order is submitted, but before shipment to the dealer, must be refunded to the customer.  
  • From time to time the Company may offer incentives or rebates. Unless specifically excluded by the Company, incentives or rebates are available to New Vehicle Purchase Program customers in addition to the Plan price. Ask your dealer for details.


Vehicle Trade-in Allowance

  • Vehicle Trade-in Allowance is not covered by the New Vehicle Purchase Program and must be negotiated with the dealership. However, this must be documented on the AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement form.


Pricing Formula

  • The AZ-Plan price is the amount shown on the line labeled appropriately near the bottom of the factory invoice. The New Vehicle Purchase Program price includes advertising, finance costs, transportation, and Company Administration Fee.


Dealer Invoice - Holdback - Advertising Assessment + Administration Fee* (see sample invoice)


*$275 Administration Fee for 2010MY vehicles, $75 Administration Fee for 2009MY and prior vehicles.



Sales and Delivery Requirements


  • The dealership may require the New Vehicle Purchase Program customer to make a deposit when placing a vehicle order. Some or all of this deposit may be retained by the dealership if the customer declines to accept delivery of the product ordered.  An agreement in writing should be reached with the dealership concerning the amount of the deposit and the conditions under which it may be retained by the dealership if the transaction is not completed .
  • Lease transactions may require a refundable security deposit. The security deposit is held until the end of the lease and is refunded, provided that the lease terms have been satisfied. The deposit is usually equal to one month's payment, rounded to the next $25.
  • The dealership may charge any price negotiated (at or above dealer cost) between the dealer and the customer for undercoating, dealer installed options, extended service contracts and other items or services that add value to the vehicle, provided such items are priced separately and listed individually on the retail buyer's order and the AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement.
  • Dealerships will notify the customer as soon as the vehicle has been prepared for delivery. New Vehicle Purchase Program customers must accept delivery and make final settlement within five working days of notification by the dealership that the vehicle is available for delivery. Unless otherwise agreed to between the dealership and the New Vehicle Purchase Program customer, vehicle disposition becomes the sole responsibility of the delivering dealership on the sixth day.


What is a PIN?

A PIN (Personal Identification Number) is a unique numeric code required for each vehicle purchase under the AZ-Plan. This PIN will be generated by the Ford employee/retiree (sponsor) for either themselves or an eligible family member. The PIN holder will then take this PIN to an authorized Ford Motor Company dealership to secure the AZ-Plan discount.


PIN Generation



Your sponsor is an active or retired Ford Motor Company employee or their surviving spouse who has registered you as an eligible Family AZ-Plan member. You may have multiple sponsors at Ford Motor Company for the Family AZ-Plan each of which may register you for the Family AZ-Plan. Your sponsor(s) are responsible for approving/denying your PIN request. Because your sponsor has a limited supply of PINs, your request may not be approved.

Requesting a PIN

You may request a PIN from your sponsor through and select the "Request A PIN" link. The PIN Request process is an email notification to your sponsor to approve a PIN for you. Once the sponsor has responded to your email request, you will receive either an email back approving the PIN request (including your unique PIN code) or an email denying the PIN request. The status of your PIN request will also be displayed on the web site home page when you log-in. Please allow your sponsor at least 24 hours to respond to your PIN request.

The PIN Request Process is completed in five easy steps:

1. Confirm your profile information including name, address and email address. Be sure to use the exact name and address as shown on your driver license or other proof of identity you will use for the purchase of the vehicle.

2. Select a sponsor. (Only if you have multiple sponsors to choose from.)

3. Enter the last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number.*

4. Identify your vehicle and contact preferences.
5. Verify information and submit your PIN request.


* The last four (4) digits of your social security number are used strictly for verification with the dealer when you present your PIN. This protects you and your sponsor from someone else potentially using your PIN for a purchase. You will be required to provide the PIN and last four (4) digits of your SSN when you visit the dealership. Your sales consultant will need both these pieces of information to lock-in your PIN and complete the sale. This information will not be used for any other purpose and as with all your personal information is protected as stated under the privacy policy of this web site.


Approving/Denying a PIN

Your sponsor is responsible for approving/denying your PIN requests. The number of PINs remaining for the sponsor at the time of your request may impact approval/denial.

Using Your PIN

To learn more about using your PIN for the purchase of an eligible vehicle, see our section below on " Obtaining a Vehicle ".


Obtaining a Vehicle

  • Immediately identify yourself to the dealer as an AZ-Plan eligible customer.
  • Give the dealer only the last four digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) and your seven digit Personal Identification Number (PIN). (This combination is your New Vehicle Purchase Plan ID number).
  • The dealer will enter your Purchase Plan ID into the computer to verify your eligibility. Once your eligibility has been verified, the dealer can lock in the approval to complete the transaction. (If you decide not to complete the transaction at that dealership, ask the dealer to cancel the locked-in approval so that you can use it elsewhere.)
  • Ask for a copy of the vehicle invoice which shows the "AZ" plan price in the box labeled "AZ Plan" located in the lower right hand corner. This is always the correct "AZ" plan price.
  • The dealer will complete and ask you to sign the AXZD-Plan Pricing Agreement. After you have signed it, the dealer will provide you with a copy. This is your assurance that the price charged is the correct price. Do not sign this form if it is blank or if you do not understand how the price was calculated. If you have any questions or concerns about the terms of your purchase or lease, ask your dealer for clarification before closing the transaction.






  1. How does the AZ-Plan work?
  2. How do I get a PIN?
  3. How does the PIN Request process work?
  4. How long will it take for my Sponsor to approve (or deny) my PIN request?
  5. How many PINs can I request and have approved (per Sponsor) each year?
  6. What if I don’t use the PIN that my Sponsor generates for me?
  7. How long is a PIN valid?
  8. How can I obtain my PIN if I forget or misplace it?
  9. Once I receive my PIN, how do I procure a vehicle and obtain the plan discount?
  10. What vehicles are eligible for the Plan?
  11. Are SVT vehicles eligible?
  12. Can I receive the special Plan price at any dealer?
  13. Can I purchase or lease my eligible vehicle?
  14. Can I trade-in a vehicle in combination with this program?
  15. Are dealer demonstrators or used vehicles included in the Plan?
  16. Are prior model year vehicles eligible?
  17. Can I obtain a vehicle for my business or for another person?
  18. Are any other items covered through the Plan?
  19. Am I eligible for other incentives?
  20. What is AZ-Plan pricing and how do I know if I’m getting a good deal?
  21. What is X-Plan pricing and is it better than AZ-Plan pricing?
  22. How long is the Plan program in effect?
  23. Can I be charged a “document fee” (doc fee) by my dealer?
  24. Do Dealers make a profit on Plan purchases and/or leases?
  25. How do I change the personal information contained in “My Profile”?
  26. When I use my browser "Back and/or "Forward button, why do I lose all the data I just entered?
  27. What is "Unsubscribe"?
  28. How do I confirm the A Plan Price on the vehicle I want to purchase?
  29. Can I find Plan prices and incentives before contact a dealer?
  30. Are Mercury vehicles still eligible for AXZD-Plans?




1. How does the AZ-Plan program work?

Plan participants are authorized to purchase a vehicle at the AZ-Plan Price using a unique personal identification number (PIN) which is generated by their sponsoring Ford employee or retiree. For details, including Plan rules go to the "How it Works" tab of

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2. How do I get a PIN?

Go to the Request a PIN page or click on the “Request a PIN” button on the Home Page. Follow the five easy steps to request a PIN from your Sponsor.

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3. How does the PIN Request process work?

The PIN Request process is an email notification from you to your Ford Motor Company employee or retiree (your Sponsor) asking them to approve a PIN for you. They will also receive a “pop up“ notification on their web site when they log in. If your sponsor approves the PIN request, an email will be sent back to you including the actual seven digit PIN. The PIN will also appear on your website within the PIN Request table (on the Home Page). Similarly if your Sponsor denies the PIN request (they may be out of PINs for the year) an email will be sent back to you and a denied message will appear in your PIN Request table.

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4. How long will it take for my Sponsor to approve (or deny) my PIN request?

Timing will vary depending on the employee/retiree. Plan rules request that sponsors respond to a PIN request within 24 hours. If you have not received a response please contact your Sponsor directly.

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5. How many PINs can I request and have approved (per Sponsor) each year?

Each active or retired Ford Motor Company employee receives four (4) PINs each calendar year. The PINs they distribute to their eligible members, as well as those they use themselves all count against the four they are allocated. Note: Members are not aware of the number of PINs remaining for their Sponsor and thus you may be denied a PIN request because the Sponsor is out of PINs for the current year.

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6. What if I don’t use the PIN that my Sponsor generates for me?

If you request a PIN and your Sponsor approves it but you end up not using it, please let your Sponsor know. He or she can cancel that PIN and have another to use for that year. In addition, you cannot transfer the PIN to any other person except yourself and the vehicle you acquire through the Plan must be registered in your name.

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7. How long is a PIN valid?

PINs remain active for 12 months from the date of issue.

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8. How can I obtain my PIN if I forget or misplace it?

Your last 3 PIN Requests and their status (approved/denied) are listed on the home page of If the PIN was not issued through the PIN Request process of this web site, you will need to contact your Sponsor.


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9. Once I receive my PIN, how do I procure a vehicle and obtain the plan discount?

Provide the dealer with your PIN, last name and last four (4) digits of your Social Security Number. The dealer can confirm with this data that you are an eligible Plan participant and can buy or lease an eligible vehicle at the AZ-Plan price.

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10. What vehicles are eligible for the Plan?

For a list of eligible vehicles, go to the Vehicles and Pricing tab. All Ford Motor Company vehicles are generally eligible with the exception a select few models that are listed in the Product Eligibility section.  Exclusions are subject to change, so verify eligibility on the web site. Vehicles listed under Vehicles and Pricing that are not eligible for the Plan are denoted with an “x” next to the model name, a “mouse over” message stating the vehicle is not eligible and a line of text at the bottom of the image of that model. Additionally there will be no Plan price example next to the model image.

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11. Are SVT vehicles eligible?

Yes. However the Plan program is voluntary at participating dealerships. (see below).

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12. Can I receive the special Plan price at any dealer?

The Plan program is available through all participating dealers in the U.S. Dealer participation is voluntary. You should inform the dealer of Plan eligibility during your first contact with your dealer. If for some reason your dealer elects not to participate, you may visit another dealer. Eligible vehicles that are in limited supply, like most SVT models, may be difficult to obtain through the Plan.

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13. Can I purchase or lease my eligible vehicle?

Yes, either form of obtaining a vehicle is valid.

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14. Can I trade-in a vehicle in combination with this program?

Yes, however this program does not cover trade-in allowances. When evaluating your trade-in, dealerships may consult value books or local auction value guides for similar vehicles, assess your vehicle condition, mileage and current used vehicle market climate, to determine its value. Many Internet sites, including and (Kelly Blue Book), will give you an approximate trade-in value, but will not buy your vehicle. Only the dealer will buy the vehicle from you and, therefore, sets the actual value/price based on these factors. You are also free to sell your vehicle yourself.

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15. Are dealer demonstrators, driver training or used vehicles included in the Plan?

The Plan is only for new vehicles. Used vehicles are not eligible. New vehicle demonstrator units are available for sale at the new vehicle AZ-Plan price.

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16. Are prior model year vehicles eligible?

Yes. Prior model year vehicles may be purchased or leased while supplies last for products under AZ-Plans.  See your selling dealer for details.

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17. Can I obtain a vehicle for my business or for another person?

No. Vehicles must be titled and registered in the eligible employee, retiree, eligible family member or sponsored friend or neighbor’s name for a minimum of six months.

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18. Are any other items covered through the Plan?

No. Dealer installed options, conversion packages, extended warranties, accessories, etc., are not covered by the Plan and must be agreed upon between you and the dealer.

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19. Am I eligible for other incentives?

Yes, for most. Plan participants are eligible for all public incentives and many incentives normally paid to the dealer. There are some offers that are not compatible with the Plan. Your dealer can best determine which incentives you are eligible for.

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20. What is AZ-Plan pricing and how do I know if I’m getting a good deal?

AZ-Plan prices are dealer net wholesale, essentially what the dealer paid Ford Motor Company for the vehicle.

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21. What is X-Plan pricing and is it better than AZ-Plan pricing?

X-Plan pricing is +/-1% of dealer invoice depending on the vehicle.  Although both X Plan and AZ-Plan offer very competitive pricing on Ford Products, AZ-Plan pricing offers superior savings.

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22. How long is the Plan program in effect?

There is no effective expiration date for this program, however, Ford Motor Company reserves the right to modify the program, remove eligibility, or cancel the program at any time.

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23. Can I be charged a “document fee” (doc fee) by my dealer?

Yes.  Dealers will be permitted to assess up to $75 in documentary fees on each delivery to an eligible purchaser under the terms of the Plan, unless otherwise provided by state or local laws or regulation.  Each dealer is responsible for complying with applicable laws or regulations.

  • What if I am in a state that allows the dealer to charge more than $75?

Unless otherwise provided by state or local laws or regulation: In states where dealers are not permitted to charge as much as $75 for doc fees, dealers would be capped at the lesser amount as provided by the state.  In states that permitted more than $75, dealers would be permitted to charge the Plan customer $75.  In states that permitted more than $75 and also required that all customers be charged the same amount, dealers may charge the Plan customer $75 and indicate any additional fees have been paid by Ford Motor Company as part of the AXZD-Plan Program dealer reimbursement on the buyer's order.

  • How does this change the $275 administration fee?

There is no change.  The $275 administration fee covers costs of managing the New Vehicle Purchase Program.

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24. Do Dealers make a profit on Plan purchases and/or leases?

Yes. Dealers receive a commission from Ford Motor Company on each Plan transaction.

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25. How do I change the personal information contained in “My Profile”?

Click on the “My Profile” link in the upper navigation bar on almost every page of the web site. From there you can choose to edit your profile, change your password and unsubscribe from the site.

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26. When I use my browser "Back" and/or "Forward" button, why do I lose all the data I just entered?

This is a common occurrence with browsers. We recommend you use the Back button on this site in lieu of your browser buttons.

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27. What is "Unsubscribe"?

By "unsubscribing" you are requesting that Ford not contact you via email about AZ-Plan promotions or survey request about your Plan and web site experiences. See our privacy policy for further details.

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28. How do I confirm the A Plan Price on the vehicle I want to purchase?

As an AZ-Plan participant, you are authorized to see the dealer invoice for the vehicle you intend to purchase. Ask the dealer to show you this invoice and point out the AZ-Plan price for your review. The "A" or "Z" Plan price is the amount shown in the box labeled "AZ Plan" near the bottom of the factory invoice. The New Vehicle Purchase Plan price includes advertising, transportation, fuel charges and Company administrative fees. The dealership may not charge extra for these items. Click here to see an example of a Ford dealer invoice and where the AZ-Plan price is located on the document.


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29. Can I find Plan prices and incentives before contact a dealer?

Yes. We provide a number of sources for you to research pricing and incentives on specific vehicles. By going to the "Vehicles & Pricing" tab of, you will see a complete listing of all eligible Ford Motor Company vehicles under the Plan. Click your vehicle of choice to obtain starting MSRP and Plan pricing.

Additional links are provided to other Ford Motro company websites,where you can obtain AXZ-Plan pricing on specific vehicles in dealer inventory,as well as current incentives and regional offers for eligible vehicles.  Pricing and incentives information is updated regularly. However, due to timing considerations, some information may not reflect the latest status.  Please see your dealer for the most current product, pricing and incentives information.


30. Are Mercury vehicles still eligible for AXZ-Plans?

No. Effective January 3, 2011 all Mercury vehicles are no longer eligible for AXZ-Plans. Ford will continue to provide existing and future Mercury owners with parts and service support at Ford and Lincoln dealers, and honor current warranties and Ford's Extended Service Plans.



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